FYI – Emails

It is important that members of CUPE 476 have their own personal email address. Any email sent via employer email can be accessed by management, so the Union will not send sensitive information this way.

The above said, members should CC the CUPE476 office with any communication to or from the district with regards to their employment. Members are entitled to representation from their union leadership, and taking this step can help avoid any arbitrary or unfair treatment by the employer, and will help us better prepare for interventions we may need to take.

FYI – Privacy

Your Union and Employer are working to ensure your image and right to privacy are protected. You are not required to have your image taken or used at all.

From – A Guide for Individuals; Protecting Your Privacy – Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:

With technology now affecting every aspect of modern life, there has never been a more important time to think about your privacy, and to safeguard it… your personal information should only be collected, used and disclosed with your knowledge, and often your consent, for legitimate purposes. It must also be stored, shared and disposed of in a way that keeps it secure and confidential.

FYI – Driving

Our bus drivers are the main transporters of students throughout the district. It’s their job and license.

Sometimes, parents will be asked to transport students during field trips. Some EA’s and others may be asked to drive a student or two to therapeutic activities as outlined in their job description.

No matter what your Administrator or Principal is asking, requests and confirmation should be in writing, and you should immediately submit your Driver’s License to the OP/OM for them to confirm your clear driver’s abstract.  You will also need to ensure you have current “For Work” upgraded Insurance.  The SD will cover the difference in costs.

From the Collective Agreement – 25.06 Travel Allowance:

(c) Any Employee required to use their vehicle in the performance of their duties, if requested by the supervisor, will be reimbursed for the difference between “to work” and “business class” insurance.

WSBC important info: