Has it only been two weeks!?
Thank you to all CUPE476 workers for your dedication and professionalism.
You are putting us on the right course to have a productive and fulfilling year.
Has it only been two weeks!?
Thank you to all CUPE476 workers for your dedication and professionalism.
You are putting us on the right course to have a productive and fulfilling year.
CUPE476 stands in support of the rights of LGTBQIA2S+ people to access equitable employment, public services, and health care. Through its history, the Labour Movement has relied on the support of the queer community, and at its best moments, been able to return the favor.
As a Union, our role is to fight for a good standard of living for all of our members, regardless of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics or disability.
As Unionists, our role is to stand in solidarity with our brothers, sisters and friends, and treat them with respect and acceptance. From our Equality Statement:
As unionists, mutual respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor tolerate behaviour that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Discriminatory speech or conduct which is racist, sexist, transphobic or homophobic hurts and thereby divides us. So too, does discrimination on the basis of ability, age, class, religion, language and ethnic origin.
As School District Employees, our role is to encourage and support the children in our care to become the type of adults they want to be. From School District #47 AP 176:
The District believes that all students, staff, and families have the right to have:
● Their SOGI confidentiality protected and respected.
● Self-identification and determination.
● Their unique identities, families, cultures, and communities included, represented, valued, and respected within all aspects of the school environment.
At our recent Benefits Vote, the membership of CUPE476 voted in favour of updating to the New Provincial Standard Plan. It is our understanding this will become effective July 1st, 2023. Our members have had a lot of questions about the new plan; The Standard Plan Support Document contains an FAQ that folks may find helpful, here are two questions we’ve heard most often:
Q: Can a member who was previously terminated from the plan due to reaching the extended health care plan’s current maximum age be reinstated since the Provincial Standardized Extended Health Care Plan has a termination age of retirement?
A: Those members that were terminated from the extended health care plan due to reaching the maximum age of their current extended health plan and who still meet the eligibility requirements of the plan can be reinstated as of the effective date of the Provincial Standardized Extended Health Care Plan for your group. They will need to complete an enrolment form within the open enrolment period. Please note that this is only applicable to the extended health plan. If the member’s dental plan has a set termination age, this provision still applies.
Q: How will the deductible of the plan be applied with a mid-year effective date of the Standard Plan?
A: For most union locals, participating in the Standard Plan means an increase in the annual deductible. As of the effective date of the Provincial Standardized Extended Health Care Plan, the $100 annual deductible will need to be satisfied before any further claims are reimbursed. For example, if your current plan has a $25 annual deductible and a member has already satisfied this prior to the Standard Plan effective date, the remaining $75 deductible will need to be satisfied before any further claims are reimbursed.
As a plan member you and any dependents covered by this plan need to be proactive, particularly with prescription medications. One major change to the coverage is that we have moved to a Formulary, or a list of approved prescription drugs. If you have a perscription for a drug that is not pre-approved, you can still apply for approval. A list of drugs requiring approval is available from Blue RX. Read This Brochure for more information about the Blue RX Formulary.
If you are looking for other benefit information such as Policy Numbers, current benefits or other health and wellness concerns, please refer to PEBT. (You will need to select “Powell River” from the drop-down list.
Please reach out if you have any other questions or concerns.